Music related
Arturia Makers of excellent synth plugins, effects and hardware music devices
Applied Acoustics Systems Makers of excellent physically modeled synths.
Audiodeluxe A cool plugin vendor
Cakewalk by Bandlab A free professional DAW for Windows 7 64bit and above. (Windows 10 64bit recommended)
Cakewalk by Bandlab Support This is where you can log a support ticket with Bandlab support if you need help
Cakewalk Forums This is where you can discuss anything Cakewalk related
Celemony Creators of pitch correction and tempo mapping software
Focusrite Makers of fine Audio interface equipment for professional audio users.
IK Multimedia Produces effects, synths and sound libraries in plugin format (AAX, VST, and Audio Units)
Izotope Offers mastering and audio repair plugins
MeldaProduction Creators of a wide range of audio plugins and synths
Plugin Boutique A plugin vendor
Roland user manuals Download manuals for Roland products.
UVI Developer of software instruments, effects and sound libraries
IT Stuff
Check Short URL Allows you to see where a short URL goes to without actually going to the URL
Default passwords Contains comprehensive list of default passwords for many routers
Dell Warranty Lookup Is your DELL machine under warranty still? - find out here...
DLL Files Resource for missing DLL files
DNS Stuff Perform DNS lookup, ms records, etc
HP Warranty Lookup Is your Hewlett Packard machine under warranty still? - find out here...
IBM Warranty Look up Is your IBM machine under warranty still? - find out here...
IP Address Tells you what your external IP Address is. If you are on a proxy server the IP address returned will be the address of the proxy server.
Mac Address lookup Enter the first six digits of a MAC Address to get the manufacturer of the device
Majorgeeks Very handy programs. Updated daily.
Malwarebytes Support Log a support ticket for Malwarebytes products here
Malware Domain List Use this site to check any suspicious web sites/ IP addresses before actually visiting them
Malware Tips Contains information about various types of malware doing the rounds
Manualslib Download the manual for pretty much anything
Microsoft Security TechCenter Searchable Page of Microsoft Security Bulletins.
Microsoft Update Catalog Search for Windows updates by Knowledge Base number
Microsoft Volume Licencing Service Centre Obtain licence keys and source files for Microsoft Volume Licence software that you have purchased.  You will need your licence number and your authorisation number to acquire your keys and software.
Microsoft’s Knowledge base Searchable database of known Microsoft issues - and there’s a million of ’em too!
Microsoft’s Online Support Here’s your guide to online support and troubleshooting resources for Microsoft products
Pinouts Hardware pinouts, cables schemes and connectors layouts
Port Numbers Comprehensive list of TCP and UDP port number and what application are likely to use them.
QR-Code Generator Allows you to convert a URL, text, a phone number or an SMS to a QR-Code that is readable by most smart phones
Secunia Vulnerability and Virus Information
Securityfocus List of computer software bugs
Shields Up Excellent site that can test how vulnerable your PC is while you are surfing the ’net - and to see whether you need a firewall.
Symantec removal tools Latest Virus Removal tools from Symantec
Symantec’s Security Response Latest virus threat information
Symantec’s Threat Explorer Contains extensive information on Viruses, Virus Hoaxes and Virus removal information
Techrepublic Techrepublic
Tom's Hardware & Performance Guide An objective look at computer hardware.
Toshiba Warranty Lookup Is your Toshiba machine under warranty still? - find out here..
Visual C++ downloads (Latest supported) This page is the article that lists the download links for the latest versions of Microsoft Visual C++
WD Hard Drive Warranty Check to see if your Western Digital Hard drive is still under warranty
South Australian Bookmarks
Car registration expiry Date Check when your car registration expires
Renew car registration Pay your dreaded car registration here - .....sorry!
Report Faulty Streel lights Report faulty street lights
SA Power interruptions See where there are current power interruptions in South Australia
SA Speed camera locations Don’t get caught speeding, check were those dreaded radars are set up.
SAPOL News Contains authorised South Australian Police (SAPOL) news.
South Australia Law handbook Handy reference of South Australian Laws. Please note that “while the authors make every attempt to ensure that the information contained in the Law Handbook Online is accurate and up-to-date, no responsibility will be accepted for any errors or responsibility will be accepted for any errors or omissions”.
South Australian data maps LocationSAMapviewer - lets you view various South Australia utility locations
South Australian Weather forecasts South Australian weather forecasts
Water Levels Check the reservoir levels
Australian Bookmarks
Australian Food Recalls Australian Food Recalls
Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association Buying a mobile phone from eBay?.......Use the serial number of the mobile phone to check its blocked/unblocked status
Australian PBS medicine look up Allows you to look up information pertaining to medicines on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
Australian Postal Charges  How much to send stuff around Australia (if you live in OZ)
Australian Postcodes Search for Australian postcodes. Can reverse search as well.
Australian Public Holidays If you live in Australia, find out what days you can do your thing!
Australian Recall Notices Check out what product have been recalled
Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods The public database of therapeutic goods that can be legally supplied in Australia. Includes Consumer Medicine Information
Australian School Holidays Oz school Holidays
Australian School Term Dates 2023 Australian School Term Dates
Australian Tax Office Sorry, they’re open
Australian white pages Look up any listed Australian phone number
Bank BSB Number lookup Allows you to find the bank and branch from a BSB number
DEA Hotspots A national bushfire monitoring system that provides timely information about hotspots across Australia
Do not call register Allows you to place your phone numbers on the Australian Government do not call register. These are in there until removed.
National Transport Commission Inter-governmental agency that among other things, contains publications relating to transport rules and regulations in Australia
Scamwatch What scams are doing the rounds in Australia
Smartraveller If you live in Australia and intend to travel overseas, check this site for handy information, including travel advisories..
Weatherzone Provides very detailed and granular weather information in and around Australia
News Papers on Line
Buy Search Sell Australia Looking for something in particular? Look no further!
Daily Mirror (UK) The Daily Mirror Australian News
PerthNow Perth Now by the Sunday Times
Stuff (New Zealand) New Zealand news
The Daily Mail (UK) The Daily Mail
The Melbourne Age The Melbourne Age
The Sydney Morning Herald Sydney Morning Herald.
Chip Directory Look up any chip (computer chips not potato chips!) just by entering its number.
Currency Convertor Going overseas? Check here to see the conversion rate between any two countries
Engrish Contains hilarious translation of actual signage
Hubble Images For the spaced out among us.
Snopes A good site to check whether that urban myth is just that - a myth or not
United States Geological Survey Check where the latest earthquake occurred
World Time Server Find out what time it is anywhere on the planet
World weather server Find the weather anywhere on the planet